The use of this website implies the acceptance by the user of all the general conditions included in this page called Rules and PD (Data Protection).

If you do not agree to comply with the terms and conditions set out below you must not use the website.

It is the sole responsibility of the user to read the legal notice, the rules of participation and the data protection and privacy policy before accessing and using the website, and to respect the regulations in force in the use of its content and materials.


The owner of the domain corresponds to FOO CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ, S.L.U, with registered office at Pol. Ind. La Peña, C/ Talleres, 29, 29750 de Algarrobo in Málaga and CIF B93483782, hereinafter (FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ).

In order that the user of the website can contact FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ, the following e-mail address is available: [email protected].


This website collects personal data provided by the user, who is duly informed from this privacy policy page. In compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016, the LOPD-GDD 3/2018 and other applicable regulations, you are informed that:

All personal data provided will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 and the LOPD-GDD 3/2018 under the responsibility of FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ.

The data is collected for the following purposes: customer, accounting, fiscal and administrative management; advertising and commercial prospecting and e-commerce. The purpose, therefore, is to manage and maintain the commercial relationship with the customer by offering them the best options for their profile, including the sending of advertising.

Customer and user data collected by FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ will not be passed on to third party companies.

FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ, undertakes to treat your data confidentially and to apply the necessary technical, organisational and security measures to prevent unauthorised processing or access, in accordance with current data protection legislation.

In accordance with our policy of protecting the data provided by the user to FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ, the appropriate security measures have been adopted in the collection and processing of personal data to prevent loss, unauthorised access or manipulation of the same, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations and the LOPD-GDD 3/2018.

WHAT DATA WE STORE AND SENDING OF COMMUNICATIONS - The sending of personal data, through the use of the electronic forms on THE WEBSITE, comments, or, where appropriate, e-mail messages, implies the express consent of the sender to the automated processing of the data included in the means of communication indicated, for the purposes described above as well as the sending of communications via e-mail, messages or SMS with information about the services provided or other information that FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ may consider to be of interest.

RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER - Likewise, by filling in the forms or sending data by any of the aforementioned means, the user acknowledges that he/she is over 18 years of age and that, therefore, he/she has the necessary legal capacity to give consent to the processing of his/her personal data, in accordance with the provisions of this Data Protection and Privacy Policy.

Users shall be responsible in all cases for the veracity and currency of the data provided, and the owner of the website reserves the right to adopt the appropriate legal measures if this is not the case.

RIGHTS - Data subjects have the right of access, rectification, deletion and portability of their personal data or data relating to requested information and contact of any kind, as well as the right to revoke consent for any of the aforementioned purposes. To exercise these rights, data subjects may send an e-mail to [email protected]. HOW LONG WE KEEP YOUR DATA - The data will be kept for as long as the purposes for which they were collected continue to be valid. If you want us to cancel them, just let us know and we will do so.

MODIFICATION - This Privacy Policy may be modified, therefore users are recommended to review the conditions periodically. In order to facilitate this review, the date of publication of the latest modifications will be stated.



FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to THE WEBSITE and/or the services offered, without prior notice, at its own request or at the request of a third party, to those users who do not comply with these General Conditions of Use and/or the specific conditions of use which, where applicable, may be applicable.


FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ reserves the right to update, change or delete at any time and without prior notice the contents of its website as well as any aspect or feature of THE WEBSITE, including the form of access, the use of landing pages, the form of data collection, interaction with social networks or the introduction of advertising, among others, without assuming any responsibility for this. Under no circumstances does FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ guarantee the proper functioning of THE WEBSITE, although it takes all measures to ensure that the user's experience on the web is as satisfactory as possible.

FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ makes every effort to offer the information contained on THE WEBSITE truthfully and without typographical errors. In the event of any error of this type occurring at any time, beyond the control of FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ, it will be corrected immediately upon becoming aware of it.


All contractual information on THE WEBSITE is displayed in Spanish. Communication with users and the completion of the forms contained on THE WEBSITE shall be carried out in Spanish. Users may also be answered in English when they use that language.


The intellectual property rights of THE WEBSITE, design, navigation structure and the different elements contained therein are owned by FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ, who has exclusive rights to exploit them in any way and, in particular, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

All the contents, elements and information that the user may access through THE WEBSITE are subject to industrial and intellectual property rights, patents, trademarks, copyright of FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ or of third party owners of the same. Access to said contents or elements through the WEBSITE services or any third party does not grant the user in any case the right to alter, modify, exploit, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate or any other right corresponding to the holder of the affected right.

It is expressly forbidden to modify, copy, reuse, exploit, reproduce, publicly communicate, transmit, use, process or distribute in any way all or part of the contents included on THE WEBSITE for public or commercial purposes without the prior, express written authorisation of FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ It is permitted to share blog posts by means of a link to THE WEBSITE. It is not permitted to copy and paste the content of the blog into other blogs or websites without express authorisation and even if reference is made to the original WEBSITE.


Viewing, printing and partial downloading of the content of THE WEBSITE is authorised only and exclusively if the following conditions are met:

That is compatible with the purposes of THE WEBSITE.
That it is carried out with the sole purpose of obtaining the information contained therein for personal and private use, and under no circumstances may it be included in social networks, press or web. Its use for commercial purposes or for its distribution, public communication, transformation or decompilation is expressly prohibited, unless expressly authorised in writing by FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ in accordance with section 3, and silence does not enable the request made to the uses requested.
That the graphics, icons or images available on THE WEBSITE, when their use is possible in accordance with that established in section 3, are not used, copied or distributed separately from the text or other images that accompany them. Furthermore, in these cases, none of the contents of THE WEBSITE may be modified in any way without the express authorisation of FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ, which must be in writing.



FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ does not guarantee the non-existence of interruptions or errors in access to THE WEBSITE or its content, nor that it is up to date, although a continuous effort is made to ensure that access is correct and THE WEBSITE is fully up to date.

As soon as FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ becomes aware of errors, disconnections or lack of updating in the contents, it will carry out all those tasks aimed at rectifying the problem, provided that there are no causes that make this impossible or difficult to carry out or that do not depend on FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ or on THE WEBSITE and its server.

Both access to THE WEBSITE and any unauthorised use that may be made of the information contained therein is the exclusive responsibility of the person who does so. FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ shall not be liable for any consequence, damage or harm that may derive from said access or use, but may initiate the appropriate proceedings against the user, through the legal channels available, demanding compensation for any damage that may be caused to its brand, THE WEBSITE or FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ.


FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ is not responsible for any security errors that may occur or for any damage that may be caused to the user's computer system (hardware and software), or to the files or documents stored therein as a result of:

The presence of a virus in the user's computer used to connect to the services and contents of THE WEBSITE.
Browser malfunction.
From the use of non-updated versions of it.


FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ assumes no liability whatsoever for the contents linked from THE WEBSITE or any of the services offered through it, provided that they are unrelated to the same, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the same that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), in the user's documents or files, excluding any liability for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.

FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ should be contacted by e-mail at [email protected] by any user, customer or third party who considers that the content or services provided on THE WEBSITE or the pages it links to are illicit or injure the property or rights of the user, of a customer or of a third party liable for compensation, and in particular, consist of:

Activities or content that could be considered criminal under Spanish criminal law.
Activities or content that violate intellectual or industrial property rights.
Activities or content endangering public order, criminal investigation, public security and national defence.
Activities or content that endanger the protection of public health, respect for human dignity and the principle of non-discrimination, and the protection of health and children.


In general, the user is obliged to comply with these General Conditions of Use, as well as to comply with the special warnings or instructions for use contained therein or on THE WEBSITE and to always act in accordance with the law, good customs and the requirements of good faith, using the diligence appropriate to the nature of the service they enjoy, abstaining from using THE WEBSITE in any way that may impede, damage or deteriorate the normal operation of the same or the goods or rights of FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ, of the rest of the users or in general of any third party.

Specifically, the user, without this implying any restriction whatsoever to the obligation assumed in general in accordance with the previous section, undertakes, when using THE WEBSITE and filling in the forms on the same, to:

Provide truthful information and keep it up to date.
Not to enter, store or disseminate on or from THE WEBSITE any information or material that is defamatory, libellous, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, incites violence or discrimination based on race, sex, ideology, religion or that in any way violates the form, public order, fundamental rights, public liberties, honour, privacy or the image of third parties and, in general, current legislation.
Not to introduce, store or disseminate via THE WEBSITE any computer programme, data, virus, code, hardware or telecommunications equipment or any other electronic or physical instrument or device that may cause damage to THE WEBSITE, to any of the services, or to any of the equipment, systems or networks of FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ of any user, of the suppliers of THE WEBSITE or in general of any third party, or that in any other way is capable of causing them any type of alteration or preventing the normal operation of the same.
Not to carry out advertising, promotional or commercial activities through THE WEBSITE unless there is an express agreement with FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ.
Not to use the contents and in particular the information obtained through THE WEBSITE to send advertising, send messages for direct sales purposes or for any other commercial purpose, or to collect or store personal data of third parties.
Not to use false identities or impersonate others when using THE WEBSITE.
Not to destroy, alter, render useless or damage the data, information, programmes or electronic documents of FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ or third parties.
Not to introduce, store or disseminate via THE WEBSITE any content that infringes the intellectual or industrial property rights or business secrets of third parties, or in general any content that it does not hold, in accordance with the law, the right to make available to third parties.


THE WEB is sociable and therefore allows the user to interact through social networks: FACEBOOK, INSTRAGRAM and LINKEDIN.

FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ is on social networks to listen to customers, to help them, to inform them and so that they can access the services provided with the security of having a professional team that listens to them. It is also there to allow users to compare opinions among themselves. The social networks of THE WEBSITE therefore seek a dialogue that must be constructive and respectful. For this reason, the rules governing participation in the FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ social networks, in addition to those established for the blog, are as follows.

1. When the customer interacts in the FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ networks, he/she should think that it is a public forum, and should not provide personal data, information or photos that could be used by others against him/her.

2. The social networks of FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ seek to establish contacts and exchange opinions, even creating constructive debate. For this reason, the user must not use them for other purposes such as claims, exercising ARCO rights or submitting complaints. For all these purposes, there are specific channels on THE WEBSITE, with the email address [email protected] being used to resolve any of the above or related incidents.

3. FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ social networks reserves the right to delete, without right of reply, any contribution that:

Is illegal or may violate fundamental rights, is slanderous, libellous, discriminatory or threatens other users or FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ.
Incorporate data of third parties without their authorisation
Criticise or disqualify other users or FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ
Seek to advertise the user or do private business.
Not related to the subject matter of the blog or the products of FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ
4. The language to be used in networks should be correct and respectful.

5. FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ is only responsible for what she publishes on the networks, in no case for third party publications.

6. FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ networks are not used to resolve particular questions or disputes. To do so, the user must send an email to [email protected] and will receive a quote.

7. FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ may use the comments and documentation provided by the user in the FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ networks. The user will know that FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ may use his/her contribution, because we will mark it as a favourite or through the form that each network establishes. In this way, the user is informed that their contribution may be used, and may exercise their rights at any time by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. The use of these contributions will not generate any financial consideration.

8. The user may only share the contents of THE WEBSITE through the networks, and must respect the copyright policy in accordance with the provisions of these Terms of Use (chapter 4).


The provision of the services and/or contents of THE WEBSITE has an indefinite duration. Notwithstanding the foregoing, FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ is authorised to unilaterally terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time and without prior notice, the provision of the WEBSITE service (in whole or in part) and/or any of the services, without prejudice to what may have been stipulated in this respect in the corresponding specific conditions.


The Terms and Conditions of this website are governed by Spanish law and are, for all purposes, subject to the Spanish courts.

FOOD CAKE CARMEN LUPIAÑEZ, visitors to this WEBSITE and any person who uses any service provided on the same, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, without prejudice to the jurisdiction resulting by operation of law, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Malaga for the resolution of any question that may arise regarding the interpretation, application and fulfilment of these conditions, as well as any claims that may arise from their use.